Oclean W10 – water flosser : test / review
Published on: 01-09-2021 / Modified: 18-10-2021
6 months ago I didn't know Oclean, my reference for toothbrushes was Oral-B but since I tested the Oclean X Pro Elite toothbrush, my good old Oral-B remained in the cupboard. Oclean now offers another product that aims to replace floss with the Oclean W10.
I think I'm right in saying that nobody likes to floss, it's not easy or pleasant to use. The Oclean W10 offers a fairly simple idea. Instead of flossing, the Oclean W10 will shoot a stream of water through the space between two teeth, this mechanism works a bit like a pressure washer but tailored to the teeth. I quite like the idea, now I just have to try it out.
Launch offer
For the launch of its new product, Oclean is offering a price reduction. The Oclean W10 is available for £51.95 instead of £68. Want to take advantage of it?
Oclean W10 - introductory offer on

The box doesn't leave too much doubt about the target audience of this product, pink colourings with fruits, Oclean is targeting a female audience. This was probably also the case for the toothbrush I tested but it was much less visible. The Oclean W10 is carefully packaged and the whole thing looks like a beauty product. The box contains the device, 4 tips for different uses and a USB cable to charge the device.

After the very feminine identity of the packaging, what surprised me the most was the size of the device, the Oclean W10 is really big, especially if you compare it to a dental floss. The device is made up of three distinct parts, there is a 200ml reservoir at the bottom (but which fills up at the top), there is the body of the device with the various buttons to choose the operating mode and finally the nozzle which will be used to spray the water through your teeth.

There are 4 tips for different uses: space between teeth, gums, braces and tongue cleaning.

The USB port is hidden behind the cover with the small lightning bolt. You have to lift the rubber part.

The water fits on top but you can detach the water tank at the bottom to clean it. The tank holds 200ml. Oclean advises to clean the tank after use. There is a foam protection in the tank, remember to remove it before using the device for the first time.


The Oclean W10 looks quite simple to use but you have to be careful with the power of the spray. To turn it on you just press the top button but make sure you have chosen the right mode first. You can select the correct mode with the button below the 5 LEDs. The device can operate in 5 different modes and the order of these modes is not very intuitive, here is the corresponding mode per button:
- Top LED = standard mode (constant spray)
- second LED = intensive mode (constant jet)
- third LED = pulsation mode (intermittent spray)
- fourth LED = least intense mode (constant stream)
- fifth LED = "on demand" mode, the device will only spray water when you press the top button.
I usually never read the manual before using a product and usually don't need it but I should have made an exception for this Oclean W10 as I had fun testing all the modes without really knowing what they would do. The water jet is quite powerful, especially in intense mode. If you have sensitive gums, do not use it! I think I started my test with this mode and I ended up with blood all over my teeth because the jet was too powerful for me. This is not a problem with the gentle mode or the standard mode. I really felt like I had a pressure washer in my mouth, surprisingly. The other thing you need to know is that it is best to close your mouth when cleaning your teeth even though the pictures show otherwise. If you keep your mouth open, you will get water everywhere.
First impression

Here is already a small demonstration of the Oclean W10 in action. As you can see, the use is very simple as long as you choose the right intensity. This intensity varies greatly from one mode to another and can sometimes be very powerful. You can also opt for the "on demand" mode if you can't keep up with the pace imposed by the device. The tank only contains 200ml, which is the equivalent of a small glass, but the fact that this water is projected will probably surprise you at first and you will find it difficult to keep the water in your mouth. It takes a little time to get used to the device.
Does it work? Yes, but as I said above, you have to choose the right level of intensity. With a dental floss, the sensation is rather neutral but with the Oclean W10, you have a freshening effect brought by the water which passes between your teeth. I have to admit that I didn't really believe it at first because the gap between my teeth is very small, but I did feel the water passing from one side of the tooth to the other. Unlike a toothbrush, I can't see the effect of the cleaning but the feeling of freshness is real.
As I have just received the Oclean W10, I can't give a long term opinion yet, I will update the article after a few weeks as I did with the Oclean Elite X Pro.
In the meantime, here is a summary of my first impressions:
+ efficiency of water passage
+ fresh feeling
+ easier to use than a dental floss
- fairly large device
- the intense mode is too intense for me
Do you also have the Oclean W10? Share your experience with other visitors in the comments section below.

Head of myself on this blog
I share my passions on my blog in my free time since 2006, I prefer that to watching nonsense on TV or on social networks. I work alone, I am undoubtedly one of the last survivors of the world of blogs and personal sites.
My speciality? Digital in all its forms. I have spent the last 25 years working for multinationals where I managed digital teams and generated revenues of over €500 million per year. I have expertise in telecoms, media, aviation, travel and tourism.